Child Dedication

At Nations Church, Child Dedication is a special moment where parents publicly commit to raising their child to love and serve God.

Unlike infant baptisms, Child Dedication is not about sprinkling water over a child, but rather a declaration of the parents’ faith and their desire for God’s guidance as they raise their child.

We recognise the importance of this milestone, not only for the child but also for the parents, as they begin the journey of raising their children in faith and within a supportive church community.

We believe that Child Dedication does not make the child a Christian or guarantee their spiritual future. As they grow, each child will eventually need to make their own decision to follow Jesus, just as we all must.

It is our privilege to stand with you, offer our support, and pray for God’s grace and protection to surround your family.

If you’re ready to dedicate your child, please fill out the form below to register your interest for the next Child Dedication service.

Register your interest to dedicate your child.

Our team will be in touch with upcoming event details.

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